
Hello everyone! I have a passion for fashion, makeup, theater, DIY's & blogging! I love to share my tips and thoughts with all of you! Join me as my fondness of the fashion world grows into an even bigger obsession.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Things that make me happy! ♡

So today is the last day of February and I can't express how excited I am that tomorrow's the first day of March. For the entire month of February, I have been in a winter slump and have been feeling kind of down. I expect March will be a happier month and hopefully bring signs of spring! Since I'm so excited about the arrival of March, I decided I would make a post on things that make me happy. I've been seeing this tag go around on YouTube, so I figured why not bring it to the blogging community? I think it's great because it spreads positive energy and you may discover things that you and other people both share a mutual love of. So here are 10 things that make me happy! 

1) Acting- 
So if you know me personally, you know I have a huge love of theatre. At a very early age I discovered the theater was my home and that acting was my calling. I not only love acting in shows, but I also love seeing them. Both acting and seeing shows brings me so much joy and I love being surrounded by other people that love theatre. 
Acting a show I did 2 summers ago
2) Traveling- 
There's something about traveling that makes me so happy. Maybe it's the excitement of going somewhere you've never been before, trying new things of just leaving home for a little while. I love traveling and find it so refreshing. Sometimes you just need a break from home. 
New York City aka my favorite place on Earth
3) Laying in Bed Watching Netflix- 
This one pretty much shows my lazy side, but maybe some of you understand. There is almost no feeling greater than crawling into bed after a long day, turning on your little fairy lights and relaxing while watching Netflix. Simply doing this brings me so much joy. It's one of my favorite ways of relaxing and it makes me really happy. 
My Room... ft. Audrey Hepburn :)
4) Re-watching My Favorite Movies- 
There are two types of people in this world: the ones that continually watch new movies one time through and the ones who watch the same five movies over and over again. I am the second type. I have watched my favorite movies so many times that I know every line. Watching my favorite movies always makes me feel happy, no matter what kind of day I'm having. 

5) Writing- 
Aside from writing my blog (which I absolutely love doing), I also love writing stories. Writing brings me so much joy and it allows me to escape from real life for a little bit. It also helps relieve stress and overall it makes me feel happier inside. In particular I love writing science fiction, but really writing anything makes me happy. 

6) Wearing Outfits I Love-
Only true fashion-obsessed people like me will fully understand. As Blair Waldorf once said, "Fashion is the most powerful art there is. It's movement, design and architecture all in one. It shows the world who we are and who we'd like to be." Wearing outfits I spend time putting together brings me so much happiness. I truly believe that fashion represents who you are as a person and the outfit you wear can affect your mood so much. Fashion has and will always bring me endless joy and happiness. 
An Outfit of the Day from last week
7) Shopping- 
This one probably sounds really superficial, but I promise it's not. Shopping is another way I relieve stress and going to new stores and seeing all the new items brings me a lot of happiness. Shopping also allows me an easy way to bond with my friends and family, therefore makes me really happy. 
Because OBVIOUSLY I always shop at the Disney store... or I haven't taken any other photos of stores...
8) Christmas- 
The decorations. The lights. The fresh snow. What's NOT to love about Christmas? It is hands down my favorite time of the year. Every one gets noticeably happier around this time of year and it rubs off on me too. Christmas is magical and it makes me so happy, so I don't see any reason to not start decorating in November. ;) 
A cheesy Christmas photo of my puppies and I
9) Spending Time with my Best Friends and Family- 
I guess this one is kind of a given, but I had to mention it. I love spending time with my friends and family because I know I can always count on them and there's nothing better than that sense of security. I'm so grateful for the amazing people I have in my life and they make me very happy. 
My best friends
10) Trying Things out of My Comfort Zone- 
I'm really proud of myself because I often do things out of my comfort zone. Of course they scare me, but I've found that I have a lot of fun trying new things. It's always the things I'm most scared of trying that end up to be the most fun. I'm going to continue trying new things because it brings me a lot of happiness and I would recommend to anyone to try something new because it's the only way you'll ever grow as a person and who knows... it might bring you a lot of happiness. :) 

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